What’s your colour?

Weekly online workshop on emotional stability

You perceive colours with your senses, allowing you to access your subconscious
free of the mind’s interference

Assigning different Colours to your experience of stuckness or discomfort
makes it so much easier to understand why you feel and act as you do.

What this workshop is about

  • WYC is about daring to go beyond the mental box you feel trapped in and finding new possibilities.
  • It is especially aimed as a tool to understand and manage your emotions, worries, anxieties and anger issues.

What you gain with ‘What’s your Colour’

  • You will build a stable inner structure – a powerful tool to align your thoughts, emotions and actions towards your personal purposes, creating.
  • An empowered sense of harmony, certainty and assertiveness from inside out.
  • You will develop an awareness of your own space, your safe space, with clarity about what you need and how to express it from a place of inner strength, thus protecting your feeling of safety and comfort. As a result, your stress, anxiety and depressive modes naturally decrease.

The ingredients to build a stable inner structure An empowered sense of harmony, certainty and assertiveness from inside out.

Free introduction Module

5 Zoom-meetings of 90 minutes each

(Meetings will be recorded, so you can flexibly watch them at a later time)

December 1 st – 19.00h (Madrid time)

‘What’s your Colour’ – Empower yourSelf – Identify your personal colour and its dynamics with the other internalized colours


December 8th, 2022 – 19.00h (Madrid time)

Start building the basic structure to create balance and stability from inside out.

Learn how to use your focus to maximise potential.


December 15th, 2022 – 19.00h (Madrid time)

Expand your Awareness – Understand how internal synchronicity connects you with Reality and Life


December 22nd, 2022 – 19.00h (Madrid time)

The balance of perceiving the infinite reality with your dual reasoning Gain the sense of connecting and disconnecting to keep your personal space clear.


January 5th, 2023 – 19.00h (Madrid time)

Release your Transforming Power Instruction manual on how to turn your destructive reactions into constructive impulse

Module 2 - Constructing the cornerstones for Balance an StabIlity

4 Zoom-meetings of 90-120 minutes each
Monthly fee: 65€


February 2nd 2023 – 19.00h (Madrid time)

The Essence of Inner Strength.

The relation btw. the inner void, generosity and Ancestral memory.


February 9th 2023 – 19.00h (Madrid time)

Knowing your Truth as a foundation to build a healthy relationship with yourself and those around you


February 16th 2023 – 19.00h (Madrid time)

Creating silence to find yourself.

Understand your shadow side as a way to transform from inside out.


February 23rd 2023 – 19.00h (Madrid time)

Growth as a process from inner awakening to the full flourishing of potential.

Become aware of how you choose in your interactions with your surrounding.


You can either participate on-line on the specific dates (up to 15 English speaking participants) or watch the workshop off-line.


For more information and to confirm your assistance please contact me at:
679 764 908

5 reviews for Workshop

  1. Vero

    What a source of cultural enrichment and spiritual growth. The seminar give another perspective on human behaviour and means to reach your maximum potential. Plus is full of symbolism and history. Rich and inspirational

  2. Natalia (verified owner)

    Every week I look forward to Elisabeth’s Colours Workshop. The sessions have allowed me to become aware of so many destructive emotions, thoughts, and behaviours that have become patterns in my life. I have also learnt how to get out of those destructive patterns by understanding what areas need attention. It’s also fascinating to learn about the history of these symbols. Very inspiring and a great way to pause and disconnect a bit from a busy week whilst growing on a personal level.

  3. SP (verified owner)

    This is an amazing and insightful course that I can honestly say has been life-changing – a really fascinating and engaging framework which helps you to connect your thoughts, feelings and actions within your own context. It has opened my mind, given me a deeper awareness and understanding of my “self” and helped me to practice and focus on positive daily self therapy.

  4. Anonymous (verified owner)

    An incredibly immersive and guiding workshop, to help deepen our connection to ourselves and the world around us. Thank you, Elisabeth, for giving us this gem!

  5. Suzanne (verified owner)

    The workshops are both illuminating and transforming. Elisabeth maintains a fine balance between sharing her vast knowledge and expertise and creating a secure space for self exploration and expression.

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